ABOUT Solicitor Trevor COOPER

“Looking back, it amazes me that my hair seems to have changed so much over the years. And of course, there’s a few extra pounds on the waistline – no idea where that’s come from. I always wanted to work in the legal profession but would never have anticipated that I would become embroiled in the world of dogs, let alone become a specialist in Doglaw. There was no such discipline as ‘Doglaw’ at University and so I like to think that I coined that particular phrase.

I would never have been regarded as a good candidate for getting into dogs. I’ve never owned one as an adult! We had a mongrel when I was a child – Sandy - a cross between a Dachsund and a Poodle, which nowadays would be a Doxiepoo and so be considered by some to be a ‘designer’ dog. But that was my sum knowledge of dogs.

This website is intended to be a whistle-stop tour of each of my adult decades in Doglaw. It’s very self indulgent and I feel suitably embarrassed at some of the praise that I’ve received over the years. I always try to point out that any success I’ve enjoyed has been due to a team effort and I do urge all readers to look at the acknowledgments as each and every person is worthy of a pat on the back, a warm handshake and possibly a free drink. This may well be a vanity project – but it’s about getting down on paper (+ online) my achievements over the years, before I forget.”

Delve through Trevor's decades of experience in Doglaw